Wednesday, August 17, 2005

First and last visit to my friend's home...

Somethings shake you a bit, one such was my Class mate death.. She was unique in her way and she proved to be unique in her death too. she had lung cancer and was suffering for last two and half years. And was totally bed ridden for last three months.. I do not know what happened for last three years.

When I heard Lung Cancer, Immediately I got remembered of the Breathing problems she faced in our Second year tour. She suffered a lot and we sorted out with a local doctor's help. Something stuck me whether we missed out anything here. God Only knows..
She will be always be remembered when any of our Classmate sees the Linda Goodman's Book. This is for some obvious reasons though.

Anyway, Sunitha take must be waiting for us..Only thing you would have reached faster than us. The ticket is confirmed for everyone but the mode of travel may vary.

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